For those who want to get the most out of a tarot card reading, you don’t need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross spread. All you need is your Sun sign. Here’s what you can do: Shuffle the tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces, plus one general card for everyone, so that you can get specific advice based on your personality. Let’s dive in!
General Card for all Zodiacs: Ten of Pentacles

The Ten of Pentacles reminds us that our best life is likely to happen by design, by intention, by taking control of the elements and forging them into a shape and size that serves us. This week, the card asks you to plan ahead in favor of your own ambitions and goals. Be the doer, not the done-to. Know where you’re going, why, and how.
Aries: Six of Cups

Nostalgia is the theme of the week for you, Aries. Take a trip down Memory Lane and pay attention to where you linger, where you feel happy, and where you experience a pang of regret. Maybe some of these people/places/activities/roles are still within reach? The Six of Cups encourages you to bring back what you miss in your life. Things can be repaired. Give them a second chance.
Taurus: The Fool

The Fool is the tarot’s first card and represents new beginnings. You’re about to activate a major fresh start in your life, even if it’s just an intention and hope. This week is about following a desire, pursuing a passion, and doing what’s right for you and you alone. It’s likely others won’t agree with your choice–that’s their problem. You do you. The planet Uranus is linked to the Fool, bringing its radical, unexpected, progressive, and innovative energy to the foreground this week. Get inventive! Create something new!
Gemini: Three of Cups

Gemini, it’s almost your season (in a few weeks, anyway), and the Three of Cups gives you full permission to get the pre-party going. Celebrate early! Start party planning! Send out invitations and make some big plans in advance. A little bit of preparation now will set the tone and platform for your best-ever birthday!
Cancer: Knight of Wands

Have a wild week of doing whatever you feel like doing in the moment, Cancer. Don’t make plans. Just go with the flow. The Knight of Wands is spontaneous, reassuring you that all the best opportunities (for love, friendship, travel, adventure, and luck) will be found by reacting to what’s happening in the moment. Deliberately set out to be a responsive and alert person who spots the openings and capitalizes on them. You can make magic happen this week just by noticing and responding to what’s around you.
Leo: Queen of Pentacles

You are ready to step up and take control of something important in and around your health, wealth, work, or home. Something practical. You can see what you want to happen, and you know no one is going to do this for you. It’s time for the natural leader in you to shine! The Queen of Pentacles takes care of business. She is shrewd, worldly, pragmatic, and pushes for her own agenda. You aren’t waiting any longer–you are taking charge!
Virgo: Ten of Cups

If you’re a Virgo, your love life is heating up nicely and it’s only going to get better this week. Building a relationship is like cooking in a way, with many different ingredients that need to be mixed just right to create something special. The Ten of Cups suggests that you’re on the right track and big things are on the horizon. You may receive a proposal, commitment, or a grand gesture. Congratulations in advance!
Libra: Queen of Wands

As a Libra, it’s time to take charge of your life this week and bring something new into it that serves a goal related to education, travel, health, creativity, or friendship. Whatever it is, make sure it’s something exciting and stimulating that will broaden your horizons. The Queen of Wands urges you to take responsibility and take action to achieve your goals. Don’t wait for someone else to make it happen for you. Go out there and discover new things to make your life more interesting.
Scorpio: The Wheel of Fortune

Are you ready for an adventure, Scorpio? The Wheel of Fortune promises ups and downs, transformation, surprises, and news. Everything could be different in your life by this time next week. Start by picking just one thing to change in your life and focus on it. The new energy will create a chain reaction that will be invigorating. Embrace the changes that come your way and enjoy the ride!
Sagittarius: Temperance

Sagittarius, you are a philosophical and wise person who enjoys contemplating the mysteries of life. The Temperance card suggests that you’re in the process of changing your perspective or outlook. You may feel a little unsteady, but you’re seeking to ground yourself in a new position. Take the time this week to think things through, talk to people, journal, and seek answers to your questions. Form an informed opinion and know your stance. You will feel more grounded and centered.
Capricorn: King of Wands

Capricorn, you are a careful and cautious person by nature, but the King of Wands is urging you to take a risk this week. Identify the risks, get informed, and mitigate them as much as possible. Then pursue the option that may feel a little risky but offers a major reward. Luck is on your side this week, so take that chance and fortune will favor the bold. You may surprise yourself with how far you can go!
Aquarius: Ace of Wands

Aquarius, it’s time to start something new and exciting this week, like a new hobby or routine. Choose something that ignites your passion for adventure and new experiences, like learning to fly a plane, playing the guitar, traveling to a new continent, or learning a new language. Whatever has been inspiring you recently, but that you haven’t had the time or energy to try, now is the time. Activate this new activity and enjoy the surge of optimism and excitement it brings to your life.
Pisces: Six of Wands

Pisces, everything you touch will turn to success this week with the Six of Wands. This is the time to be bold and push your luck even further. Aim higher and broaden your horizons. Apply for that dream job, ask out the person you’ve been crushing on, or take on that project you’ve been wanting to lead. You will be amazed at what you can achieve when you’re confident and proactive. So go for it and enjoy your winning streak!